Wednesday 7 August 2013


(State of the Nation Address )

Last July 22,2013 we witness the delivery of the fourth State of the Nation Address (SONA) of our President Mr. Benigno Aquino.Aquino mentioned important things during his SONA.One of the certain topic he mentioned was the "Inclusion of poor families with children up to 18 years old to the conditional Cash Transfer Program."

Poverty is a hindrance in achieving our goal in life. Yet, many children are not going schooling because of financial problems. With the project that our government  develop many of us indigent people are benefited. This is one way to lessen the increasing number of children who stop with their schooling.

Inclined with this program , I want that the program will assure to help more people in our nature land , give the chance to have a happy life and reach our dreams , and also i hope that the voice of the unfortunate people or the community be heard.

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